100 • Cycles

Volume 10, Issue 01
February 23, 2024

Ours is a world of cycles. From the energy exchange of our lives and deaths to the creation and destruction of landmasses, mga siklo condition our experiences on this planet. Atoms that were once part of the land become incorporated into our bodies until we release them back. A 循w環, un ciclo, a spiral; it returns and returns again. Embedded within the very fabric of our world, this world of things, we (human, non-human, inhuman) are governed by logics of الدوران that choreograph spaces and bodies through different scales of movement: from the quickening expansion of the tropical belt to migratory patterns of people and other animals. Looking forward sometimes means looking back – to make the future, we have to unmake the past and its accumulated debts of violence, exorcizing the specters of settler colonialism and capitalism which continue to animate our present world-making apparatus to make room for ancestral spirits and wisdoms. Cycles is a call to re-imagine our multiple futures and their multiple possibilities: how can we (re/de)think and (re/de)build environments through the lens of adaptability, equity, and accessibility? How can we make space for cosmologies and value systems that have been suppressed, expunged, and overlooked? How can we center plurality and justice in our actions as we decipher where to go next? How will we live together?

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Volume 10, Issue 01
February 23, 2024

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