Editor's Statement
It’s not Paprika!’s birthday. 100 issues is big, but we’re a bit hesitant to celebrate (or, maybe we celebrated enough at last year’s “Paprika! turns 5!” party). And so, instead of cake, we’re passing out a slice of reflection: looking back to look forward.
We would like to take this issue as an opportunity to evaluate and celebrate Paprika!’s output as a publication since its creation in 2014. As a steady voice since, Paprika! has been a place for everything from theoretical analysis to school-specific reporting and cultural commentary, all of which are collecting dust in physical archives, and/or taking up space on server farms. With this sizable repository of writing at our fingertips, what do we do with it? In an effort to re-engage with these relics, we asked our contributors to somehow respond to a past piece of writing from Paprika!’s archive—arguments against, commentaries on, and wholehearted endorsements were all welcome.
As the tenth group of Coordinating Editors, we wanted to learn how we can make things better, hear more voices, and reach deeper into our own community while also extending our reach beyond it. So, in conjunction with this article specific dialogue, we surveyed Paprika!’s readership in search of more granular and direct feedback. We see these parallel explorations as complementary to one another: the former zoomed in, the latter zoomed out. This is not meant to mark the end of this dialogue, rather to suggest that its pipeline is always open.
Biggest thanks to all who came before us, and whoever might come after. Here’s to the next however many.