State of the Carpet Bulletin
Dear fellow students,
We have come upon an unprecedented situation that is altering the way we study, work and live. In the name of continued collaboration we are announcing an open call for contributions to a collaborative project titled HOME OFFICE. The project will explore the diverse approaches, ingenuous inventions and hyper specific measures taken to make our new temporary workplaces. As a collection of plan drawings the project will trace similarities and differences in our organization of space while rendering the collective image of a transient organizational typology specific to the online semester of Spring 2020.
We are asking for a plan drawing of your workplace in your home (only the room in which you are primarily working from). Choice of drawing style is completely free but should stay within general conventions of the architectural plan drawing and have an indication of scale for reference (1/2” or 1/4” scale will probably work for most drawings). The drawing can be as elaborate as you wish, and should fit within a 12”×12” box when printed to scale.
→ SUBMISSIONSend us your plan drawing as a PDF file by email to or upload it to a folder called HOME OFFICE PROJECT on the temporary drive on the school server by Friday, May 8th, at 5:00 p.m. Your file name should include your name as well as the city and country in which your home office is located. For any questions please write to
We hope that you will take part in this collaborative project which we believe will be a joyful way to reflect upon the situation and stay together despite being apart! Stay safe and sane!
—Rachael, Jack, Diana and Gustav

→ → Home Office, Diana Smiljkovic (M.Arch I ’22) and Gustav Nielsen (M.Arch I ’22), New Haven, USA