Visited Cities
YSoA Visited Cities 2016.
Our graphic represents a map of the world generated by the cities students at YSOA have been long enough to become intimate with. 559 pins of 359 unique places are represented with stays ranging from 3 days to 30 years. Our student body carries with us a wealth of perspectives from Laval to Ulaanbaatar. As we look at our map under a new variable to experienced time, these places become surprisingly similar. 1 week, 5 days, 24 years. This, as well as the number of cities plotted reveals an additional element that we as students bring with us to our school, a desire to develop a deeper relationship to place. Our ocean may be more vast and continents may look like islands, but we should take these waters as opportunity. Uncharted land carries with it a greater perspective adding pins to our collective map and encouraging diversity in our understanding.
Original Google Map YSoA Visited Cities 2016 HERE