Leong Way from Home


Palette Cleanser

Volume 11, Issue 00
October 25, 2024

Kristen Perng on Honolulu, Hawai’i with Dominic Leong

Day 1
The jet lag has us waking up before dawn. For a week, our studio gets to humble brag about being earlier risers. A group of us catch the sunrise and watch surfers at a beach, appropriately named Sandy Beach. We wonder if Dominic has caught any waves. Our impression is that he’s pretty good since he doesn’t surf with beginners(us).

Day 3
As our booze cruise ends, Dominic wants to show us an architectural moment but mysteriously does not tell us what it is. He leads us to a parking lot and I wonder if he has done this before to show off a skate trick. We end at a storm drain, hearing the ocean and seeing tendrils of water shoot up from the grate. The infill beach we are standing on used to be a traditional fish pond, providing communal sustenance.

Day 4
Shangri La was designed by Doris Duke, tobacco heiress and socialite. It was dripping in orientalism. This diva was inspired by the islamic architecture she saw on her honeymoon trip… this would’ve been a good topic for issue one.

“Local” snack and drink count:
Spam musubis: 46
Hawaiian suns: 49
Mai tais: 46
Shaved ice: 44

Diva Meter:
Timmy ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Benjamin ☆☆☆☆☆
Kurt ☆☆
Jess M ☆☆
Kristen ☆
Christy ☆
Lauren ☆
Tommy ☆
Julie ☆
Jess C

Fold Viewer

Volume 11, Issue 00
October 25, 2024