Unsolicited Advice From Dad


Luck, Fate, or Happy Accident?

Volume 6, Issue 05
November 4, 2020

Success is the hopeful outcome of any endeavor, but it might not match your initial vision. You choose a goal, you research it, you reflect on the different approaches you might take, and then boldly settle on a direction.

Seeking perfection is ideal but can lead to fear of failure if you let it prevent you from moving forward. Keep on going, you may stumble on something useful. Positive results may not be perfect but may still be considered a success.

Imperfection is a demanding teacher. Reflecting on your goal, the process you used to achieve it, and the outcome will together lead to more effective action.

I worked in the restaurant industry for many years. Cooking involves so many variables that can negatively affect the result. Almost always, I could eat my mistakes.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill

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Volume 6, Issue 05
November 4, 2020