Gender Warriors in Support of Chelsea Manning Running for Senate
All Neos hold a plank position for the entire play.
LU: In 2013 we performed a play-
MW: “Gender Warriors in Support of Chelsea Manning.”
IC: We called her a hero.
DKH: We called her by her name.
JJ: And when the media challenged her womanhood
NH: And the prison refused her healthcare
TC: And her solitary confinement went on and on,
MW: I was sure she wouldn’t live. In 2013 I wrote a play.
ALL: Chelsea Manning was in prison for nearly four years and I never wrote her a letter.
MW: I couldn’t fit this feeling on an 8 X 10 page.
ALL: You make me proud to be myself if that means a piece of me is somehow cut from the queer place you came from.
LU: In 2013 we performed a play.
IC: We asked the audience to hold a two minute plank–
DKH: To do a small thing that feels hard.
JJ: And it’s hard,
NH: But most people have never practiced.
TC: Most people have never tried.
MW: Most people are too scared to do hard things when they’re right things,
LU: Like writing a letter,
IC: Like breaking the law,
MW: Like staying alive.
DKH: Chelsea Manning was released from prison last year
JJ: And this year, she’s running for Senate.
NH: It would have been enough for her to survive.
MW: It would have been enough to know that
ALL: A piece of me is somehow cut from the queer place she came from.
MW: And this play is the letter I’ll write her when she wins.