On the Ground

Duck, Duck, Shed

Volume 4, Issue 04
October 11, 2018


The virtually empty (we know you’re out there @PhD/MED) fourth floor guarantees solid badminton practice time for the first and second years.

Dhruvin Shah howls in the forests of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. The monkeys replied.

“They have an In-and-Out in Dallas!” – Alejandro Duran, proud Californian.

Happy Birthday DSB!


Iñaqui Carnicero’s second-year studio travels to New York during class for his gallery opening.

Matt Liu distributes durian candy throughout the fifth floor late at night (along with a mint). Alix Pauchet goes for a second whilst Ruchi Dattani, who was seemingly unfazed, does not realize it was durian until later.

Julie Snow’s studio stayed in San José’s Stray Cat Hostel; there are no live cats, only pictures of cats on pillows and walls.

“They have an In-and-Out in Fort Worth!” – Alejandro Duran, still from Cali.


Reeking of BBQ and Tex-Mex, Adam Y’allrinsky’s studio is the first to return from travel week.


Modern Love slapped.


Neri & Hu’s studio encounters Michael Samuelian’s and Simon Hartmann’s class at a rest stop along the freeway, as they both take breaks from late-night traffic back to New Haven.


Environmental Design holds its first pop quiz. Who knew how to calculate HDD?

TMY3 stands for Typical Meteorological Year (Not Time Month Year or Typical Month Year)

Sean Yang disrupts the Paprika! meeting as he takes the entire pizza box.

The United Nations is late to the party as we already discussed the energy crisis last week.


“There were no coffeeshops in New Haven when I was a student … there were in Cambridge. I was very jealous of Harvard” – Alexander Garvin.

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Volume 4, Issue 04
October 11, 2018